The Ultimate Fried Chicken Hack: Homemade KFC

If you’re craving KFC but don’t have a voucher KFC or want to save some money, try making it at home with this recipe! This hack will give you the same crispy coating and juicy meat that you love from KFC.

Ingredients: What You’ll Need

First and foremost, you’ll need some chicken. It’s best to use bone-in pieces such as thighs or drumsticks for optimal flavor and texture.

Next, you’ll need a marinade to infuse the chicken with flavor. A mixture of buttermilk, hot sauce, garlic powder, and paprika works great.

For the breading, you’ll need all-purpose flour, salt, black pepper, garlic powder, paprika, cayenne pepper (optional), and baking powder to give it that signature KFC crunch. Don’t forget the oil for frying – vegetable or canola oil works well.

Lastly, if you want to add some extra seasoning after frying (because why not?), have some salt and more paprika on hand. And there you have it – with these ingredients in your arsenal, you’re ready to tackle homemade KFC like a pro!

Say Goodbye to Store-bought: Make Your Own Hairspray!

Are you tired of spending money on expensive hairspray from the store? Sick of dealing with sticky, crunchy hair? If so, then this blog post is for you!

Making your own hairspray at home can be simple and budget-friendly. We’ll show you how to make your own natural, salon-quality hairspray with just a few ingredients. Get ready to say goodbye to store-bought sprays and hello to lush locks!

Why Make DIY Hairspray?

Making your own DIY hairspray is an easy and effective way to keep your hair in place without the use of aerosol or irritating fragrances. Not only is it a great alternative for those looking for a more natural way to style their hair, but it is also beneficial for both your health and the environment.

DIY hairspray recipes typically use natural ingredients like sugar and essential oils, which are much better for your health than store-bought hairsprays. In addition, making your own non-aerosol hairspray helps reduce plastic waste from aerosol cans and VOCs that can damage the environment. This is why many people are now opting for DIY hairspray recipes rather than store-bought alternatives.

How to Make a Simple Toy for Your Child

Making a simple toy for your child can be a fun and rewarding experience. It can help your child develop fine motor skills, learn to follow directions, and bond with you. Plus, it’s a great way to spend some quality time together.

How to make a simple toy for your child.

Choose the materials you need.

You will need some basic materials to get started making your own toys for your children. You will need something to serve as the body of the toy, such as a small piece of wood or a block of foam. You will also need some sort of material for the limbs and features of the toy, such as yarn, fabric, pipe cleaners, or googly eyes. Finally, you will need glue or tape to secure everything in place.

Assemble the materials.Once you have gathered all of the materials you need, it’s time to start assembling the toy. Begin by cutting out shapes from the construction paper. You can use any shapes you like, but try to make them different sizes and colors. Then, glue the shapes onto the recycled material. If you are using an empty cereal box, cut a hole in the top so that your child can reach inside and grab the shapes.

How To Prepare For Painting

The key to a good paint job on any wall is preparation. Without preparation you may be able to do a good job painting, but it is highly unlikely that you will be able to do a great job. It’s very difficult, but you need to resist the temptation of taking shortcuts with the preparation. In the long run, good preparation saves you more time than taking shortcuts without preparation.

What will you need to prep the walls for paint? – The tools that you will need are:

  • A bucket that is filled with warm soap and water
  • Set of screwdrivers


Take accessories off the walls – One thing you will need to do is to take off anything that you would have to paint around. I’m talking about curtains, picture frames, posters, switch plates, and any other hardware that you may have on your wall that you do not want to get paint on. If you do not do this you may very well regret it later, so do yourself a favor and be sure to do this troublesome task. It may be a smart idea to be sure that the power is shut off at the breaker from this point on of prep time, because you are going to be cleaning next to outlets and such.